Saturday, August 19, 2023 Important links for wildfire info This link contains important info for finding out if your property is burned, marking yourself safe, and many more important links.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::8/19/2023 ::
Test will this work again
Posted by (Top)Andrea::8/19/2023 ::
Happy New Year!!!!!!! Hope everyone has a safe wonderful joy filled kick awesome Year of the Dragon! !!!2012!!!
Posted by (Top)Andrea::1/01/2012 ::
Little man with a basketball.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::12/08/2011 ::
Ahh… It is that time of year where Lil'Miss has finished all her sports for the year. Nothing happening until January. She needs a break. She sprained her ankle just slightly a week or two before Halloween. We went to the corn maze – got hopelessly lost – and the kids went and played on the bouncy pillow thingy. Well you put 15 odd kids on a giant air filled pillow and kids are going to bounce off. She did and her ankle, though not swollen or in need of a doctor, has not felt "right" since. She is going to have a few weeks of no skating, swimming or golf and hopefully she has no twings in that ankle in January. She enjoyed her golf SNAG class that just finished. She is going to do it again in January. She has a ways to go but she is learning and you can defiantly see her progressing. The Lil'Man is almost one year old!! Like – OMG where did the time go?????? Wow!! He is quite a character and oh so so very different from his sister! If my phone cooperates I will try to remember to upload an adorable video of him trying to bounce a basketball. He is definitely going to be a sports boy. And he is smart. He is talking already – "this", "look", my babysitter swears he said "watch me" today. He says "this" in Chinese. He calls me by name (annoying I would prefer mommy) and we are working on "TA" cause I am sick of him screeching when he wants something. Sigh. We got a "Da" out of him today.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::12/08/2011 ::
Ohh what to say Little man is black and blue – literally. Three times the charm right? I hope so cause that boy has banged himself in the head three times this week now. He has two big ass goose eggs on his forehead and a small cut and black eye on the side. Bloody hell. Family photos on Sunday. Yaa! Make-up stick must come out. He had a run in with the coffee table twice and the bathtub drain pull thingy the second time. The first two in his attempt to learn how to walk and stand independently. The bath tub was due to his very annoying habit of wanting to stand in the bath tub. He and I usually fight the entire time he is in the bath cause I make him sit when he stands. Well this time he was with his Nainai and she doesn't get after him like me and whamo guess who slipped. Bloody hell!! Gonna be purple tomorrow. No I don't beat my kid!!! Lill'Miss has started spelling tests. She has her first one this week. Only 6 words but to my happiness she is taking it seriously. I am the worst speller ever. The person who created spell check is on God level in my book. I am hoping she does not follow in my footsteps.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/12/2011 ::
Kata kata toy put to work
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/10/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/10/2011 ::
The next big rock star
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/08/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/08/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/08/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/08/2011 ::
At 6:30 this morning!!!! We have a house alarm. We got it a few years ago – mostly when hub started working late and I was home alone with the Lill' Miss. Well last night the alarm started arming itself when there was no one around and these yellow bad symbols were on. I phoned the company last night and the stupid lady who answered the phone goes – well the tech department is closed can you phone back in the morning? Hmm Ok – it had stopped doing what it was doing and everything was fine except for these yellow symbol things. At 6:30 this morning the alarm goes off!! REALLY LOUDLY!! Kids wake up! I run downstairs in my underwear (not a pretty sight) and turn it off. The phone never rang. It is supposed to after an alarm goes off and it didn't. Then the alarm goes off AGAIN!!! Now I am in a furious mood. I throw a diaper less baby at hubby and run downstairs to get the alarm. Now I am raging. I phone the alarm company and while I am talking to the tech the dame alarm goes off and the phone cuts out as the alarm takes over the phone. This happens TWICE!! In that time I am told that the police have been dispatched. NO!!! CANCEL!!! I AM NOT PAYING FOR THAT!!!! Bad words are flying and I am still in my underwear. I finally had enough time before the alarm went off again to get a bath robe on. This time I was using my cell phone to call them so I was not disconnected. Then the monitoring section phones on my hard line asking for code words so they don't send the cops again because the panic button has been pushed. Panic button?!?!?!? Who pushed the panic button? Whaaaaaa??? The guy asks me where my fobs are. They are right…………… um where the hell is my FOB!!! It is always attached to my key chain and it was not there. Hub and I go on a mad hunt for the fob. Ripping drawers and pockets apart. My keys are never played with by the kids and always put in the same spot. The fob had to be within distance of the house to cause this headache. Finally after the damn alarm goes off two more times – my neighbours must surely hate me by now – the tec says he is going to disconnect and shut down the fobs till we find them. Good plan. Alarm no longer going off, yellow symbols gone. Peace once again. The in-laws come up stairs and hub explains to them what is going on and shows them his fob. My mother-in=law immediately goes "OH. It is outside. I thought it was a kids toy. I picked it up and then threw it back on the ground last night when I saw it." AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup it was outside. Crushed, split open and totally dead. Sigh. And the entire family is awake much earlier than normal on a Saturday morning.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::10/08/2011 ::
I might just write again It has been a while since I have actually written a blog post. In Japan my blog was my release, my memories and a way to express my frustrations. My therapy. It seems that as I am in Canada again and closer to family expressing my frustrations openly is not appreciated. I miss the therapy though. I was thinking of creating another blog just to release on but that is too much work.
We have two kids now – a very active 6 year old girl and a growing demanding 9 month old boy. Love them both to bits.
Lill' Miss and Crazy Boy are both so very different kids. They are fun and frustrating all in the same breath. Lill' Miss is getting a tad spoilt in the toys sense. Hubby and I have great fights with her in the purging the toys department. Trying to keep it under control is actually a little stressful. Between, grandparents and neighbour girls she is gifted far far too much. To the point that she does not play with most of them or even forgets she has them.
She is in grade one now and doing great so far. She is in skating, swimming and will start golfing again soon. Very active but she seems to enjoy it. She definitely gets bored very easily.
Crazy Boy is a massive rolly polly 24 pound bouncing boy. He is growing like a weed. Faster I think. He picks up some pretty fast speeds when crawling and is able to pull himself up into a stand using basically anything. He has also mastered the art of falling on his face and has cut his lip once already and currently is sporting a sizable goose egg on his forehead (kitchen chair) .
It is getting late and I need to sleep. Crazy Boy has been waking up at 3am the last few nights and eating tons. He is going through a growth spurt. I need to sleep.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::9/28/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::6/04/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::4/18/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::4/17/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::4/17/2011 ::
Posted by (Top)Andrea::4/17/2011 ::