Wednesday, September 28, 2011 I might just write again It has been a while since I have actually written a blog post. In Japan my blog was my release, my memories and a way to express my frustrations. My therapy. It seems that as I am in Canada again and closer to family expressing my frustrations openly is not appreciated. I miss the therapy though. I was thinking of creating another blog just to release on but that is too much work.
We have two kids now – a very active 6 year old girl and a growing demanding 9 month old boy. Love them both to bits.
Lill' Miss and Crazy Boy are both so very different kids. They are fun and frustrating all in the same breath. Lill' Miss is getting a tad spoilt in the toys sense. Hubby and I have great fights with her in the purging the toys department. Trying to keep it under control is actually a little stressful. Between, grandparents and neighbour girls she is gifted far far too much. To the point that she does not play with most of them or even forgets she has them.
She is in grade one now and doing great so far. She is in skating, swimming and will start golfing again soon. Very active but she seems to enjoy it. She definitely gets bored very easily.
Crazy Boy is a massive rolly polly 24 pound bouncing boy. He is growing like a weed. Faster I think. He picks up some pretty fast speeds when crawling and is able to pull himself up into a stand using basically anything. He has also mastered the art of falling on his face and has cut his lip once already and currently is sporting a sizable goose egg on his forehead (kitchen chair) .
It is getting late and I need to sleep. Crazy Boy has been waking up at 3am the last few nights and eating tons. He is going through a growth spurt. I need to sleep.
Posted by (Top)Andrea::9/28/2011 ::