Monday, June 21, 2010

sgh - havent posted in a very very long time

Sorry all.

Well those that still check in here one in a blue moon to see if I have finally posted something.

I have been pretty blaa about posting anything lately. Although I post ALL the time, in my head. I will write these long posts in my head while driving home from work etc.

It is my way of clearing my brain of all the poop.


So news.


Yesterday was Father’s Day so we headed out to the Kilby Museum in Harrison Mills. They had this Black Power event going on. Jun draws and the whole bit.

Hubby attempted the ax and knife throw. Totally bombed. Hehehe

Then there was the stilts over in the far field. OMG that was soooooooooooooo funny.

He was bound and determined to master the science of the stilts. He and this one dad were trying to figure out the science of the design.

I was in stitches.

Lill’ Miss just took off to the play ground. It was hilarious!


Then we went to this grand opening for a mushroom farm that burnt down last year. They grow specialty Asian Mushroom. They are Chinese so it was a big gathering of Chinese people in our little town. Hubby enjoys these things as he gets to meet more people this way.

I enjoyed the tour cause I had never been in a mushroom bar before. It was very interesting.


On another note – most people know that I am pregnant. But I guess I should say it here too.

Had a terrible weekend and this morning of morning sickness, all though the pucking seems to hold off till evening I just feel like living death all day.

Hate it!!! UGH.

Not a happy pregnant mommy yet. When this finally passes I will be happy.


I am at 13 weeks now.

Due Christmas day. Ya did not time that right. Ugh.


Lill’ Miss is a Swimming star. She graduated to the Swim Kids level where you are supposed to be 6 to start. She is still only five. And her first class at Swim Kids one the teacher told us to put her into level two as she is perfectly capable of it.

She is my little swimming star. She just loves it. Total fish!


Karate – not so. No effort or enthusiasm there. Has depressed Hub and I a bit so we will hold off for a while on the Karate until she shows some real desire to do it. 


Grandpa really wants her to join a team sport and the easiest is soccer. That and we quite enjoy the game. Don’t know about her though. We will play that one by ear.

She has skating in the fall too and she really likes that so I am trying to figure this all out.


That and she starts all day kindergarten in September. She is so excited by this. She has met her teacher twice and she is over the moon. So am I. I think this class and the whole program is just perfect for her. She will excel really well in it.


Her Chinese is perfect. She actually sounds like a native Chinese person now. Her nainai in China is thrilled!! She doesn’t sound like a foreigner anymore. She tries to translate stuff and is really good at helping me to understand cause I still speak ZERO of the language.


We are getting a Japanese exchange student for a few weeks this summer. It is forcing us to finish our basement and this is a really good thing!



So basically live is normal and all is fine.



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Posted by (Top)Andrea::6/21/2010 :: 0 Comments:

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