Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Party 2005

Last night we had our Earth Family Christmas Party.
I though long and hard and it has been YEARS since I have had a Christmas. In the 2001 year I was in Canada for Christmas due to Japanese Immigration visa delays. (yes visas are my main headache in life.) I was not the happiest person around, I had left my fiancée back in Japan and all of my worldly belonging were in what I had suddenly realized I was now calling home, and I just wanted to go home.
All my Christmases after that have been pretty quiet. We had Christmas dinner at Jeans one year, and Li and I held a Chinese food style Christmas dinner for our friends for two years. Last year we did nothing at all.
But this year we actually went to a Christmas party.

It was over at Chocolate makes it better that I realized, I am sooooo excited about Christmas this year. We don’t have a tree, but that is ok, we only have us, but that is better, Li and I don’t even do Christmas presents for each other, which is actually very nice, but what we do have is:
JiXiang’s first Christmas!!!
And there will always only be one first Christmas.
I was so happy when I found out that Earth Family did a Christmas party. They had a Santa and decorations, carols and tons of food. It was almost perfect.

I made a giant pot of beef stew to take and Li made a mix platter of Chinese cold finger foods. Kim was going with Jean and Foo was coming with us. We had lots of friends and lots of food. We got all dressed up, even JiXiang, but the pigtails lasted all of maybe one minute.

We got there a little early to help decorate a bit and to let JiXiang settle in before everyone arrived.

Ji was a wonderful girl who, after settling in, walked and talked to everyone. She danced and sang and ate well. (no flu bug signs anywhere.)
Then Santa came and she didn’t cry, yaaaa!!!!
She got her present from Santa and she thought that was pretty cool.

She thought the present was even cooler.

It turned into a lovely evening only cooled off by the freezing walk home from the station to our place.

We had an early Merry Christmas.

(There are tons of pictures that I took but because most of them involve other families I am not going to post a link to them and they will be pass word protected on my picture site. Sorry.)

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Posted by (Top)Andrea::12/10/2005 :: 7 Comments:

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