Sunday, August 22, 2004

So Li has an interview at the factory today. We had to go and buy him a white dress shirt yesterday. He found that very difficult as he would never wear a white shirt EVER. Very funny.

I got my nails done on Saturday and they look hot. Even Li said he liked them and he NEVER likes them. The last two times that I have gone a misunderstanding when I describe the colour that I want has turned into a good thing. Last time I asked for a pinkish beige and she found a colour I would never have chosen and it was very nice. This time I asked for a purplish brown and she came with an armload of browns and purples. We ended up doing this three colour thing of two browns and a purple tip. I know!!! But it looks hot!! And it is not a stupid CUTIE hot it is an elegant hot. GEOURGEUS as my nail girl said. It is highlighted with gold. Looks good.
I also got a badly needed pedicure. My first one ever and if felt good. I was really worried as I have this thing about people touching my feet but it was no problem. My feet are so soft right now Abby described them as looking like a babies bottom.
I then went out to the dollar store and bought my own foot stuff. Now that I have started it I need to continue it. hehehhe

I also got some great books from Z that I have been scouring over. They tell me to start buying baby stuff now as it is too expensive to do it all at once later. When Li and I were out shopping yesterday I was checking out the baby section and oh my god money!! Clothes are not an immediate problem. My friend Taka wants to give us some of his kids clothes and his baby is only 3 months now so that will be perfect in a few months. And Li's mother has gone a little crazy with her factory contacts (she is a clothing Quality Assurance check lady) and has already ordered clothing for the first 5 years of this kids life. CRAZY! It is all the hundreds of other stuff that I need.
JT is back from her Canada holiday soon and I think I am going to beg her to take me shopping. She is about 6 weeks more pregnant than me with her second kid and she is VERY practical. She will know exactly what I really need and what I dont.

People keep asking me about stuff they can send and that is it really - those other needed baby things. The temperature things and bottle stuff and monitor things and all that shit that kept me awake last night worrying about it. Second hand is more than ok REALLY! Cheap is good. The clothes for me part can be easily taken care of as I spend 5 days out of the week in a uniform and they have a maternity uniform.

Anyway my time is running short. I have to teach. I have an amazingly busy week this week because my students all have a huge English test that the company makes them do and study is high on their mind!!

Gotta go

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